Rental conditions

Read our rental conditions below

1.1 These general rental conditions shall apply to the rental of equipment, construction machinery and vehicles.
without a driver. Changes to the terms and conditions must be made in writing.

2.1 The rental object is collected and returned to the Lessor’s customer center. The rental object is considered returned when a return slip is issued.

2.2 Upon delivery, the rental object must be in working order and be equipped with appropriate safety and security devices.

2.3 Upon request, the Lessor shall provide instructions for the operation, supervision and care of the rental object. If the lessee so requests, the instructions shall be in writing.

2.4 It is the Lessee’s responsibility to carry out the necessary checks and carefully examine the rental object as soon as possible after receiving the rental object and before putting it into operation. In order to be valid, the lessor must be notified in writing as soon as possible, but no later than one week after the rental object has been collected by or on behalf of the lessee. If no remark is made within the time limit, the rental object is considered to have been received in perfect condition.

2.5 Upon return, the rental object must be well cleaned and in good condition, taking into account normal wear and tear. Otherwise, the lessor is entitled to carry out the necessary cleaning and repairs at the lessee’s expense. Repair due to abnormal wear and tear is at the lessee’s expense.

2.6 The Lessor is responsible for mandatory inspections of the rental object. However, the lessee shall arrange for and pay for inspections after installation at the site. The Lessor has the right, upon notification, to carry out a mandatory inspection of the rental object at the workplace during normal working hours.

2.7 Transportation to and from the workshop or inspection site during the rental period is paid for by the lessee.

2.8 Special provisions concerning sheds, see general conditions for erection and dismantling of sheds.

3.1 The rented object may only be used for the tasks and under the working conditions for which it is intended. The rented object may not be used in contravention of these conditions or in a way that risks affecting the lessor’s property rights. The lessee may not re-label or otherwise alter the identification, written instructions or similar.

3.2 The rental object may not, without special written permission from the lessor, be moved to another lessee than agreed or used by someone other than the lessee.

3.3 The Lessee is responsible for the supervision, care and storage of the rental object. In addition to paying for fuel and lubricants, the lessee must also arrange for and pay for the replacement of consumables. However, the necessary lubricants and glycol are paid for by the lessor in connection with regular servicing.

3.4 Interventions that alter the design or function of machinery or equipment shall not be made.

3.5 The cost of tires, including details and work, is included in the rental price (except for tires attributable to winter equipment). In case of direct damage or abnormal wear and tear, the lessee will be charged for a new tire.

4.1. For annually rented objects, a rental period of at least 12 months is meant.

4.2 The rental period is calculated from the date the rental object is made available for collection according to the parties’ agreement until the date the rental object is returned according to section 2.1.

4.3 The rental object is rented for use in one shift of a maximum of eight hours unless otherwise agreed. The lessee shall notify the lessor without delay of any change of use such as use in extended shifts or in multiple shifts.

4.4 For annual leases, notice of termination shall be given no later than 3 months before the anniversary date, in accordance with paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2. If this is not the case, the year’s lease is extended until further notice with 3 months’ mutual notice. Notice of termination must always be given in writing.

5.1 Rent is charged for the rental object at each rental occasion according to the current price list. The applicable forms of charging are daily rent, annual rent, calendar day rent, shift surcharge and basic rent.

5.2 The agreed daily rent is the rental price per rental object and day. For part of a day, rent is paid as for a full day. If the equipment is used for more than one eight-hour shift, a shift supplement will be charged according to the current price list. Non-working Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are rent-free. For certain specified rental objects, rent is charged per calendar day or per year according to the current price list. However, for all rental objects, rent is charged during holidays and other equivalent leave.

5.3 In the case of imposed government fees (e.g. congestion tax), North Lease AB charges an administration fee of 20%, but a maximum of SEK 100.

5.4 Accessories are charged separately, as are the costs of the prescribed remediation.

5.5 No rent is payable for downtime and breakdowns for which the Lessor is responsible.

5.6 Agreed rents are exclusive of VAT.

5.7 Invoices must be paid by the date indicated as the due date on the invoice. The Lessor is entitled to charge an invoice handling fee of SEK 50 per invoice. In case of late payment, penalty interest will be charged according to the interest law in force, currently the reference rate +8% units and the statutory reminder fee.

5.8 The Lessor has the right at the conclusion of the agreement to require the Lessee to provide security corresponding to the replacement cost of each rental object.

6.1 The lessor is responsible for costs resulting from normal wear and tear.

6.2 Upon return, the rental object must be well cleaned. Otherwise, the lessor is entitled to carry out the necessary cleaning at the lessee’s expense (see 2.5).

6.3 The Lessee is responsible during the rental period for the loss of the rental object and for all damage that does not constitute normal wear and tear. Damage must be reported to the landlord for a decision on how to repair the rental property. Rental objects that are lost or damaged beyond repair shall be reimbursed by the lessee in the amount of the replacement value. In case of theft/damage, the lessee is responsible for reporting the theft to the police and preparing a damage report. The police report together with the damage report must be submitted to the lessor immediately, but within 5 days at the latest. From the day the police report together with the damage report is received by the lessor, no rent is payable.

6.4 During the rental period, the Lessee is liable for any damage caused by the rental object to himself or a third party.

6.5 The lessor is only liable for direct damage resulting from the lessor’s negligence. Notwithstanding any negligence, the lessor shall not be liable for any damage resulting from a delay in delivery, standstill or interruption of operations, loss of profit or any other similar circumstance.

6.6 The Lessee shall during the rental period keep the rental object insured with all-risk insurance corresponding to the replacement cost. Vehicles/machinery subject to registration and traffic insurance are fully insured by the lessor. Any selfishness is paid by the lessee.

6.7 The lessor and the lessee shall have the usual liability insurance unless otherwise agreed.

7.1 A party has the right to terminate the lease agreement with immediate effect if the other party is in material breach of these terms and conditions (e.g. non-payment) and has not ceased the breach of contract within 3 days of a request for rectification (e.g. payment reminder), or if the other party goes bankrupt, suspends its payments, is subject to corporate restructuring, is found to lack attachable assets or can otherwise be assumed to be illiquid or insolvent.

7.2 However, the parties may not invoke a breach of contract against each other if the performance of the agreement is prevented as a result of circumstances beyond the control of the parties, such as war, government decisions or other circumstances not caused by the party that have a significant impact on the performance of the agreement and which the party could not foresee or whose negative impact he could not reasonably eliminate. However, if the obstacle persists for more than two weeks, each party has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect.

7.3 If the Lessee fails to pay within the agreed time, the Lessor is entitled to cancel the agreement with immediate effect and take back the rented object at the Lessee’s expense.

8.1 Disputes arising from the agreement shall be settled in accordance with Swedish law and by a general court in the event that the parties do not agree on arbitration.

Our conditions

Whatever machine or equipment you need at the moment, you get a number of benefits when you choose to rent rather than buy them yourself.

Contact us today! and tell us how we can help you!